Life related - more than just football
Life related - more than just football. A lesson for all.
Sometime ago - well many years ago actually, when I was making my way in the commercial world, I attended a retirement dinner for one of our top sales reps. His farewell speech was to read out this poem - its a profound message that's remained with me ever since.
(by Saxon White Kessinger)
Some time when you're feeling important;
Some time when your ego's in bloom;
Some time when you take it for granted,
You're the best qualified in the room;
Some time when you think that your going,
would leave an unfillable hole;
Just follow this simple instruction
And see how it humbles your soul.
Take a bucket and fill it with water;
Put your hands in it up to your wrists;
Pull them out - and the hole that remains;
Is the measure of how much you'll be missed.
You may splash about as you please when you enter;
You may stir up the water galore;
But stop - and you'll find in a second ,
That it looks just the same as before.
The moral of this is quite simple;
Do just the best that you can,
and be proud of yourself - but remember;
There is no indispensable man